Pathguide: the pathway resource list
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Full Record: miRTarBase  
Short NamemiRTarBase
Full NameThe Experimentally Validated microRNA-target Interactions Database
Last ObservedJuly 6th, 2017
DescriptionmiRTarBase is a database of miRNA-target interactions (MTIs), which are collected by manually surveying pertinent literature after NLP of the text systematically to filter research articles related to functional studies of miRNAs. Generally, the collected MTIs are validated experimentally by reporter assay, western blot, microarray and next-generation sequencing experiments. While containing the largest amount of validated MTIs, the miRTarBase provides the most updated collection by comparing with other similar, previously developed databases.
Sample Data URL
Data SourcePrimary
AvailabilityFree to all users
PubMed ArticlesmiRTarBase: a database curates experimentally validated microRNA-target interactions.
Hsu SD, Lin FM, Wu WY, Liang C, Huang WC, Chan WL, Tsai WT, Chen GZ, Lee CJ, Chiu CM, Chien CH, Wu MC, Huang CY, Tsou AP, Huang HD.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan;39(Database issue):D163-9.

miRTarBase update 2014: an information resource for experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions.
Hsu SD, Tseng YT, Shrestha S, Lin YL, Khaleel A, Chou CH, Chu CF, Huang HY, Lin CM, Ho SY, Jian TY, Lin FM, Chang TH, Weng SL, Liao KW, Liao IE, Liu CC, Huang HD.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D78-85.

miRTarBase 2016: updates to the experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions database.
Chou CH, Chang NW, Shrestha S, Hsu SD, Lin YL, Lee WH, Yang CD, Hong HC, Wei TY, Tu SJ, Tsai TR, Ho SY, Jian TY, Wu HY, Chen PR, Lin NC, Huang HT, Yang TL, Pai CY, Tai CS, Chen WL, Huang CY, Liu CC, Weng SL, Liao KW, Hsu WL, Huang HD.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D239-47.

Types of Data
Types of ToolsText mining
Genes / Proteins: 22,563
Interactions / Reactions: 366,181
Pathways: 4,966
Last Content Update: September 15th, 2015
Major OrganismsRattus norvegicus, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
Relative Popularity
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"Pathguide: the pathway resource list" is maintained by Gary Bader1.
The website was originally created by Michael Cary 2 and was significantly updated and redesigned by Vuk Pavlovic1.
Thanks to Emek Demir for the Pathguide name.

1. Bader Lab
2. Sander Group

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