Pathguide: the pathway resource list
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Full Record: Snap  
Short NameSnap
Full Namea Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Annotation Platform
Last ObservedFebruary 13th, 2017
DescriptionSnap is a sequence analysis tool providing a simple but detailed analysis of human genes and their variations. For each gene, a gene-gene relationship network can be generated based on protein-protein interaction data, metabolic pathway connections and extended through phylogenetic relations.

Snap provides tools for designing sequence primers and evaluating RNA splicing effects of single SNPs - known from the databases or defined by you. Primers can be designed for the amplification or sequencing of cDNA, genomic DNA, introns only or exons only.
Sample Data URL 
Data SourceSecondary
AvailabilityNot currently available
PubMed ArticlesSnap: an integrated SNP annotation platform.
Li S, Ma L, Li H, Vang S, Hu Y, Bolund L, Wang J.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(Database issue):D707-10.

Types of DataProtein-Protein Interactions, Metabolic Pathways, Genetic Interaction Networks
Types of Tools
Genes / Proteins: 22,839
Interactions / Reactions: 197,467
Last Content Update: July 7th, 2008
Major OrganismsHomo sapiens
Relative Popularity3
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"Pathguide: the pathway resource list" is maintained by Gary Bader1.
The website was originally created by Michael Cary 2 and was significantly updated and redesigned by Vuk Pavlovic1.
Thanks to Emek Demir for the Pathguide name.

1. Bader Lab
2. Sander Group

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